This Man….

 Happy Father’s Day!

This man, the father of four girls, many female pets, and the brother of two sisters… always the only “guy”.

He’s kind-hearted, sports-orientated, and chocolate-loving.

He’ll help you dress a Barbie doll, watch a chick flick, and let you paint his fingernails.

He’s the silly one, the spontaneous one, the quiet one.

He fixes bikes, explains the rules of baseball, and lets you borrow his colored pencils.

He builds campfires, cooks over them, and serves you up some pudgy pies.

He’s the dreamer, the taste-tester, the belly-laugher.

He lets you help in his shop, teaches you to tie your shoes, and attends every event.

This man is the father of our four girls because he was first my best friend, my husband, and my soulmate.

Happy Father’s Day, John!